Thank you for using our computer repair services. Please read Repair Terms carefully so that you fully understand this process.
1) TIME ESTIMATE - All repairs are worked on in the order in which they are received. Common repair turnaround times are about 2-4 weeks from the date they are received into our office and may be longer if extensive repair at our remote repair facility is required, the problem is intermittent and needs extensive testing to identify the root cause, or if parts need to be ordered. These are all unknowns until the inspection has been completed, so expect to be without your computer for a while.
2) YOUR BACKUP - Because of the extensive time it may take to repair your computer please be sure to download, install, and activate the biofeedback software on your backup computer. All businesses should have a backup computer. If you don't, please consider purchasing one. We cannot be held responsible for business "downtime". It is your responsibility to have a backup for each component of your biofeedback system if your business or your health depends on your biofeedback system.
3) DIAGNOSTIC FEE - In-house repairs require extensive diagnostic labor. If upon receiving your repair quote you decide NOT to repair your computer, you will be charged a $95 Diagnostic Fee. Return shipping fees will also be charged if you wish to have us ship your computer back to you.
4) CORRESPONDENCE - The technician working on your repair may need to contact you with questions. This will be done by both phone and email. It is important that you check your emails and voice messages frequently while we are working on your repair. If anything changes or you need to make any additions to your request email support@sstoffice.com.