Beneficial for: Concentration, nightmares, geopathic stress, X-ray exposure, hips, chemotherapy, libido, pain relief, fear, depression, abdomen, legs, headaches, stress, reproductive system, muscle, nerve tissue, heart, cramp, the back, nerves, assimilation of minerals, fluid regulation.
Smoky Quartz (1 pc)
20% Off 10 or more
Smoky Quartz
• These stones are all natural in color and have been tumbled polished.
• The average size of these crystals is 0.5 inches.
• The photos are representative of the stones you will receive.Crystal System: Trigonal
Hardness: 7
Chakra: Earth, Base
Number: 2, 8
Planet: Pluto
Beneficial for: Concentration, nightmares, geopathic stress, X-ray exposure, hips, chemotherapy, libido, pain relief, fear, depression, abdomen, legs, headaches, stress, reproductive system, muscle, nerve tissue, heart, cramp, the back, nerves, assimilation of minerals, fluid regulation.
A psychopomp for conducting souls to the otherworld, Smoky Quartz is one of the most efficient grounding and cleansing stones. This protective stone has a strong link with the earth, promoting concern for the environment and suggesting ecological solutions. It blocks geopathic stress, absorbs electromagnetic smog, and assists in elimination and detoxification at all levels, bringing in a positive vibration to fill the space. Smoky Quartz can be used to protect the earth's chakra below the feet or gridded around an area of disturbed earth energy. It teaches how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. A superb antidote to stress, alleviating suicidal tendencies and ambivalence about being in incarnation, Smoky Quartz helps tolerate difficult times with equanimity, fortifying resolve. It assists in acceptance of the physical body and the sexual nature, enhancing virility and cleansing the base chakra so that passion can flow naturally. Facilitating pragmatic thought, it facilitates moving between alpha and beta states of mind. As Smoky Quartz is often naturally irradiated, it is excellent for treating radiation-related illnesses or supporting chemotherapy and radiotherapy. A layout of slow-release Smoky Quartz pointing out from the body can prevent a healing crisis from occurring.
We recommend consulting with your health professional when concerned about a health-related issue.This item has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and makes no claims to cure any illness, disease, or ailment.
The Seriously Smart Technologies website and Seriously Smart Technologies do not diagnose, treat, or cure any physiological, emotional, neurological, or spiritual conditions. None of the information provided on this site is intended to act as a substitute for medical counseling.