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What is the benefit of a Private Membership Association?

A PMA shows your clients how serious you are about the relationship you have with them. It allows you to speak compliantly about the wellness work that you do, while protecting you and THEM from potential miscommunication/misunderstanding. PMA's take you out of the public domain and add a level of legal protection to your business. 


Why would you want to become a Local Chapter of the SST Private Membership Association?

Becoming a Local Chapter of our PMA saves you a ton of money while still getting all the benefits of a Private Membership Association. Doing a PMA from scratch runs $24,000. A Local Chapter of our SST PMA still gets you the customization that you need at a fraction of the cost.


What a Local Chapter is NOT

It is NOT an excuse to use non-compliant language, make medical claims, or practice medicine without a license. 


Why did SST become a Private Membership Association?

As you know, many of our products are considered "alternative health".  Government agencies make so many "rules" that restrict what public companies can do or say about products and services.  As a private association, we are free to serve our members with the help they so desperately need, with few restrictions.  We can offer safe products and services that are extremely effective, and share what true benefits they may have.  This is one of the main reasons we only work with private members. 

Local Chapter

  • The SST Local Chapter provides your practice with your own Chapter's Articles of Association and Membership Agreement that are written to encompass your particular practice. 


    Your Local Chapter will have it's own set of Articles of Association and Membership Agreement that are tailored to fit your practice. This will take a few weeks to setup and some time and effort on your part. Upon completion of payment we will set up an appointment for you to speak with Ron to get your Local Chapter started.

  • The set up of your own local chapter will take approximately 4 weeks to complete. There is a non-refundable $500 fee (Included in the total cost) that begins the process of your local chapter. If during the setup period you decide you wish to cancel your Local Chapter you do have the right to do so. Your refund will be calculated minus the $500 fee and the labor hours spent so far towards setting up your local chapter. Once your Articles of Association has been drafted and signed the window for cancellation closes. No refunds/cancellations will be allowed after final signatures have been received.  All additional Association documents and processes will continue after the Articles of Association are finalized.

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