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Wear Earth’s Natural Protective Energies! Worn on the left wrist the 5G RF Blocker Bracelet is specifically programmed to protect the body from ultra-high 5G frequency.

Made of soft eco-friendly silicone material with 3 Germanium balls embedded in stainless steel hardware plus (4 in 1) Embedded Energy Elements: Far Infrared Ray, Negative Ion, Neodymium Magnet, Tourmaline.

EMR 5G Blocker Bracelet (Regular)


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  • Details:
    Bracelet (Regular)
    Silver Plate Size: 1 3/4"long, 5/8" wide. Engraved with 5G blocker on the plate.
    Bracelet Size: 1/8" thick, rubber strap adjustable 6" - 8 1/2".
    Band Color: Black
    Protects from both 4G and 5G.


    Wear Earth’s Natural Protective Energies!


    The 5G RF Blocker Bracelet is to be worn on the left wrist to defend against harmful 5G RF radiation.


    The 5G RF Blocker Bracelet is made of soft eco-friendly silicone material with 3 Germanium balls embedded in stainless steel hardware plus (4 in 1) Embedded Energy Elements: Far Infrared Ray, Negative Ion, Neodymium Magnet, and Tourmaline.


    In addition, the 5G RF Blocker Bracelet is specifically programmed to protect the body from ultra-high 5GRF frequency.


    Benefits Of Wearing Earth’s Natural Energies
    The 5G Blocker Bracelet is an attractive stainless-steel bracelet designed to be worn on the left wrist to help defend against harmful RF frequencies – including the most recent 5G RF ultra-high frequency platform.


    The 5G RF Blocker Bracelet is made of soft eco-friendly silicone material with 3 Germanium balls embedded in stainless steel hardware plus (4 in 1) Embedded Energy Elements: Far Infrared Ray, Negative Ion, Neodymium Magnet, Tourmaline.


    In addition to the embedded earth elements, the 5G RF Blocker Bracelet is also programmed with natural bio-frequencies to protect your body from ultra-high RF frequencies including those associated with the newest 5G platform.


    Protect yourself and your family naturally with an affordable, attractive, 5G RF Blocker Bracelet as soon as possible.


    Far Infrared (FIR) is the invisible band of energy from the sun’s spectrum that we feel as warmth. Far Infrared technology absorbs energy from all wavelengths and releases it into the Far Infrared wavelength. Far Infrared ceramic inserts absorb energy from various sources and release it into the human body for gentle warming to help support circulation.


    Negative Ions
    Negative ions have an invigorating effect on the human body. Positive ions can have the opposite effect, quite often inducing a feeling of tiredness. Negative ions are created naturally by energy associated with rolling surf, waterfalls, and lightning. The levels of negative ions present in different environments highlight the deficiency of negative ions in our everyday domestic environment. . The EMR Power Quantum Energy Bracelet is infused with negative ion powder emitting 1000 ions per cubic cm. All physical and mental activity is controlled by electromagnetic fields produced by electro-chemicals (ions) within the body.


    Neodymium Magnets
    Wearing an EMR Power Quantum Energy magnetic bracelet is a non-invasive way to apply beneficial magnetic fields to the body. This bracelet has an improved technology to provide Unipolar Neodymium Magnets emitting 1000-1200 Gauss, which is ideal and safe for continuous wearing. Magnetic technology is used in many performance bracelets favored by professional athletes.


    Germanium Energy
    Germanium Energy is a trace element used as a dietary supplement. Germanium has been shown to stimulate the immune system helping the body to fight disease allowing your own immune supporter to help you overcome disease. The Quantum Energy Bracelet contains 99.99% Germanium.


    Tourmaline is a trace element that soothes panic attacks, especially those caused by dark or confined spaces or in places where the atmosphere is frightening. It also helps control fears of doctors or dentists. Many people wear this crystal to protect against moaners, whiners, complaining neighbors, or emotional vampires who burden you with their problems while doing nothing to improve their situations.


    Note: To optimize results, stay WELL hydrated — the bio-frequencies travel through the fluid in our cells!


    This technology supports the theory that your body maintains better health and mental wellness by stimulating its ability to heal itself naturally using subtle bio-frequencies of the properties embedded in the bracelet.


    5G cell towers are more dangerous than other towers for two main reasons:

    • The 5G platform uses much higher frequencies and intensities (ultra-high) than earlier platforms
    • Since the shorter length waves used in the 5G platform don’t travel as far as those waves used in earlier platforms, the number of towers will be increased/installed. (Estimates are for towers/mini-towers every 2-8 houses.)  This would increase exposure to RF, greatly increasing exposure to harmful RF.


    1G-4G Platforms use between 1-5 gigahertz frequencies.  5G Platforms use between 24-90 gigahertz frequencies.  The higher the frequencies the more dangerous to living organisms.


    Studies and theories regarding the impact of 5G technology on human health show that it may be detrimental to soft tissues including brain cells and other soft tissue cells and organs.


    In 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified cellular radio waves as a possible carcinogen and is undertaking a “high priority” study seeking more definitive answers.


    Protect yourself and your family naturally with an affordable, attractive, 5G RF Blocker Bracelet as soon as possible.


    For continued optimal results the manufacturer recommends replacing your 5G RF Blocker Bracelet every 2 years.

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