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Carnelian is a powerful Sacral Chakra Stone. It increases personal power and physical energy, gives courage, boosts creativity and compassion, can enhance vitality and will, providing higher energy needed when approaching new projects and dreams.



Carnelian calms anger and grounds you in reality, while keeping you aware of unconditional love permeating the universe.

Carnelian (1 pc)


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  • Carnelian

    • These stones are all natural in color and have been tumbled polished.
    • The average size of these crystals is 0.5 inches.
    • The photos are representative of the stones you will receive.


    Crystal System: Trigonal

    Hardness: 7

    Chakra: Base, sacral

    Number: 6

    Planet: Sun

    Beneficial for: Analytic ability, dramatic pursuits, courage, vitality, metabolism, concentration, envy, weak memory, anger, emotional negativity, nosebleeds, infertility, frigidity, impotence, increasing potency, physical wounds, blood disorders, food assimilation, absorption of vitamins and minerals, heart, circulation, blood purification, female reproductive organs, lower-back disorders, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, depression in advanced years, bodily fluids, kidneys, accelerates healing in bones and ligaments, staunches blood, headaches.


    The name Carnelian is derived from the Latin carnis, flesh. Deep red Carnelian may be heat-treated and, held against the light, shows stripes, while natural carnelian shows a cloudy color. Carnelian was beloved by the Egyptians, who believed that it assisted the soul on its journey and had great protective powers in the afterlife. They wore it to calm anger, jealousy, and envy. A stabilizing stone with high energy, Carnelian anchors into the present reality and is excellent for restoring vitality. Carnelian has the ability to cleanse other stones. 


    Imparting acceptance of the cycle of life, Carnelian removes the fear of death and assists positive life choices. Useful for overcoming abuse, it helps you trust yourself and your perceptions, overcoming negative conditioning. Removing extraneous thoughts when meditation, it tunes daydreamers into everyday reality. A stone of abundance, it motivates for success in business and other matters.

    Source Material: The Encyclopedia of Crystals by Judy Hall


    Carnelian is a powerful Sacral Chakra Stone. It increases personal power and physical energy, gives courage, and boosts creativity and compassion, and can enhance vitality and will, providing higher energy needed when approaching new projects and dreams.


    Carnelian calms anger and grounds you in reality while keeping you aware of unconditional love permeating the universe.


    Carnelian encourages initiative and determination.


    Mentally, Carnelian focuses on your analytical capabilities and aids meditation by allowing deeper concentration and keeping out interrupting thoughts. Carnelian is useful in making decisions by keeping us focused on the here and now and not on past experiences.


    A stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy, and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions. It overcomes negative conditioning and encourages steadfastness. Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. Protects against envy, rage, and resentment. Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity, and replaces it with a love of life. Carnelian boosts fertility and stimulates sexuality.


    Carnelian treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, and depression. It regulates the kidneys and accelerates healing in bones and ligaments. Improves vitamin and mineral absorption and ensures good blood supply to organs and tissues.


    Historical Uses

    Carnelian has been one of the most widely used stones throughout history from Napoleon to the Prophet Muhammed. In Egyptian times, the deceased would be adorned with a Carnelian necklace symbolizing the Blood of Isis and their protection into the afterlife. During the Japanese Iron Age (300 A.D.) the deceased was found with Carnelian amulets around their necks. The 29th chapter of the book of the dead in Egypt is notably inscribed in a tablet of Carnelian. Both Napoleon I and II wore a seal of Carnelian during their rule. Furthermore, the prophet Muhammed was said to have worn a ring of Carnelian on the little finger of his right hand.


    There is a reason why Carnelian has been used for so long and by so many different cultures. The strength and energy that this stone possesses is of remarkable quality and must be personally experienced to fully appreciate. When our lower 3 chakras become activated by Carnelian our personal will kick into overdrive. Courage, power, and passion are a few traits that will be pulled into the forefront when working with this stone.


    Great leaders and Kings saw the true power within Carnelian and used this stone to channel their strongest ideas. Look at what the world is today, due to Carnelian’s influence over these titans of society. In today’s day in age, we are all our own personal Kings, Queens, and Gods. We have the choice to express our own ideologies and channel the fire inside. The thoughts and goals that we could have only dreamed of can now come to life. It is your personal decision as to whether or not you plan to conjure them and allow them to take root in this reality!


    Meaning & Energy

    Among our lower chakra systems is a form of energy that defines us as who we are. This energy is housed in our groin area and is responsible for conjuring life itself. We refer to this as our “sexual energy”, but its power goes far beyond the act itself. Sometimes withholding our sexual energy and transmuting it for our own good is more beneficial than releasing it for our own personal gratification. Harness this energy and channel it into things most important to you rather than just people. There are countless examples of great scholars and ideologists that have used sexual transmutation to create life-altering ideas, Nikola Tesla being our favorite.


    Carnelian is the key to accessing this energy nearly instantaneously. It assists in strengthening our transmutation process as we continue to manifest our dreams and desires. Meditate with this stone directly over your groin area to better enhance and increase the flow of energy coming from our most sacred chakra.


    We recommend consulting with your health professional when concerned about a health-related issue.


    This item has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and makes no claims to cure any illness, disease, or ailment.

    The Seriously Smart Technologies website and Seriously Smart Technologies Private Membership Association do not diagnose, treat, or cure any physiological, emotional, neurological, or spiritual conditions. None of the information provided on this site is intended to act as a substitute for medical counseling.

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