Calm is specifically made to combat depression by balancing the pet's behavior, and also helps work to beat back a wide variety of secondary symptoms. This product is safe for all animals. PetZone is an advanced health application technology using No-chemicals, No-drugs for pets! The PetZone products are used for all pets, dogs, cats and other animals. The PetZone disks are designed to be attached to the collar of your pet.
Calm - PetZone Energy Discs - All Pets
20% Off 10 or more
Our pets have biological similarities as we do!
All living things, large or small, plant or animal, are made up of cells. Most living things are made up of one cell and they are called unicellular organisms. Many other living things are made up of a large number of cells that form a larger plant or animal. These living things are known as multicellular organisms.
The idea that energy fields influence physical development is beginning to gain acceptance in the medical community. The increasing number of studies in this field confirms this. In the early 20th century, Professor Harold Saxton Burr and Dr. Leonard Ravitz from Yale University’s School of Medicine published numerous reports describing the biofields of energy surrounding every living creature.
To develop PetZone products we study the effects of the human and animal electrical system by using Bio Energy Synthesis Technology. This technology offers our team of engineers and doctors an insight into the bio electrical nature of cells that are known as multicellular organisms. All living animals including humans have an energy which is generated by chemical processes in nerve cells. Billions of nerve impulses travel throughout the brain and nervous system, resulting in life-force, which is the least understood and most taken for granted.
These products are a drug free solution made for pet owners who understand the danger of using too many drugs. The excessive use of these chemicals are harmful and extremely dangerous to your animals’ health.
Each package is a 1year supply. The PetZone disks are designed to be attached to the collar of your pet.
The PetZone products are used for all pets, dogs, cats and other animals. Some have even used on spider monkeys!
Your pet is an extension of your family, you don’t have to poison your pets with chemicals. Our products effectively raise your pet’s immune system to cope with anxiety issues and protect them from fleas and ticks and many more common pet issues using natural Bioenergy.
Drug Free Solutions - BioEnergy TechnologyCalm - 1 Year Supply
The Calm is specifically made to combat depression by balancing the pet's behavior, and also helps work to beat back a wide variety of secondary symptoms. This product is safe for all animals.
Each package is 1 year supply for one pet.
Your pet is an extension of your family, you don’t have to poison your pets with chemicals. Our products effectively raise your pet’s immune system to cope with anxiety issues and protect them from fleas and ticks using natural Bioenergy.
How it’s programmed:
The process in which the disk is programmed is by generating a frequency program ranging from 30 MHz to 130 MHz, a special Accelerator Frequency Generator, (AFG) applies a voltage ranging from 1 volt to 3 volts between coils in a containment field that produce waves of frequencies. These volts of energy cause the material to hold the frequencies to be suspended for up to a two year shelf-life.
The disk is made from a material that contains carbon, crystalline elements, which is embedded into a substrate material and then domed for environmental protection.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: Can I use more than one type of PetZone disc on one pet at the same time? For example using flea and tick along with calm on one dog at the same time?
Answer: Yes, the products are compatible to each other and the pet should have no problem.
Question: Do you have any scientific data on PetZone?
Answer: Yes, please see the downloadable documents at the bottom of this page.