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Lifetime Membership to SST PMA
10$Must sign the SST Membership Agreement.Â- Access to Training, Support, FAQ Self-Help, & Shop.
Why Must I Become A Member?
SST is a private membership organization. As you know, many of our products are considered "alternative health". Government agencies make so many "rules" that restrict what public companies can do or say about products and services. As a private association, we are free to serve our members with the help they so desperately need, with few restrictions. We can offer safe products and services that are extremely effective, and share what true benefits they may have. This is one of the main reasons we only work with private members.
Our private membership association is easy to join and only costs the one-time $10 membership fee. We will never charge you another membership fee. That's it! The only thing remaining for you to do is to sign the agreement. If you change your mind at any time and no longer wish to be a member you can revoke your membership in writing. We hope you can see the benefits of being a member.
Manual Option
If you prefer, you may print out, sign, and mail this agreement.
Here are the instructions to manually sign:
Download this document: click here
Print out the document
Fill it out and sign it
Mail to: Seriously Smart Technologies, PO Box 2577, Midland, MI 48641-2577
PLEASE NOTE: We must have the completed, signed Membership Agreement BEFORE we are able to ship your order or complete your service request.
Local Chapter
If you are interested in becoming a Local Chapter: click here
If you are interested in creating your own Fully Customized Private Membership Association: click here