Helpful Programs
Helpful Programs that we recommend keeping up to date.
This information is for all Computers with Windows 7, 8.1, 10 and 11.
Note: If you are on Windows 8 (not 8.1) you really should update your computer to Windows 8.1, its free, and its important. Windows 11 is recommended for security reasons, we suggest that you DO NOT UPGRADE, previous operating systems to Windows 11. Instead, stay on your current operation system and plan on purchasing a new computer soon.
01) Firefox
02) Chrome
03) Edge (Scroll down to Windows, then GET MS Edge, select your Operating System)
04) Java Removal Tool (when done, do not click "Get Java")
05) Java 32bit (Windows Offline - the second one) (Install this for both 32 and 64bit systems)
06) Java 64bit (Windows Offline 64bit) (Install for 64 bit only after installing 32bit Java)
07) Shockwave - Full (Install this for both 32 and 64bit systems)
08) VLCPlayer 64bit (Install for 64 bit only after installing 32bit VLC Player)
09) Adobe Acrobat Reader (Make the appropriate selections for your computer)
10) Ccleaner (Install this for both 32 and 64bit systems)
11) Defraggler (Install this for both 32 and 64bit systems)
14) WinRAR x64 (64bit)
15) Zoom Workplace desktop app - For SST Events
Optional Programs
Mandelay Downloader If you need to update your Clasp64 or Clasp Portal Software
OpenOffice Suite...If you don't already have the Microsoft Office Suite, or don't use it enough to pay for it - Try the OpenOffice Suite as a good "Free" alternative. OpenOffice will NOT work with the Quantum Clarity Software, for QC you need an officially licensed copy of Microsoft Excel
If you need Microsoft Office, the best place to get it is right here.... CLICK HERE